Thursday, May 7, 2009

"Bite Me" Baby One More Time

Today at 5 a.m. Britney Spears arrived by limo to Flagler College to visit a male friend.  Security guard, Hector Gonzalez, while doing a routine check spotted Spears on the ground bleeding near the bushes in front of Lewis House, a male dormitory.  When he approached her Gonzalez noted bite marks on her foot.  Spears yelled out to the guard, "Oh my god, oh my god, an alligator bit me."
Gonzalez surveyed the area and saw the tail of a reptile disappear into the nearby bushes.  At 5:10 a.m. he called 911.  Saint Augustine Police Chief, Bubba O'Conner confirmed that an ambulance arrived at the scene immediately and Spears was treated for minor bite wounds on her right foot.
The limo driver reported that he did not witness the incident and no other witnesses have been confirmed.  Spears was quickly released and Animal Control arrived on the scene at 6 a.m. to find the nine foot alligator.  The guard speculates that the creature may have escaped from the nearby Alligator Farm.  

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